GSA:Temporary Price Reductions

One frequently asked question regarding GSA contracts is “what paperwork does a business need to file to adjust its price list?”

Assuming your business already has a GSA contract, the answer will depend on whether you need to make a price increase or decrease and whether the adjustment is temporary or permanent.

This post deals with temporary price decreases. Future posts will deal with price increases and permanent price decreases.

Temporary Price Decrease
One common scenario justifying a temporary price decrease is when a business overproduces a product and needs to sell the product at a lower price to reduce overhead.

Your GSA contract will allow you to temporarily reduce your prices without filing any paperwork.

To do this, you simply go to the GSA Advantage website and follow the instructions for temporary price decreases.

The process should not take more than five (5) or ten (10) minutes (depending on you computer skills) and will show up online within twenty four (24) hours.
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