And that is just the executive branch. If that is not enough to get you thinking about obtaining a GSA Contract, consider the following:
In 2005, the Federal Government paid large and small businesses the following amounts:
(1) for building and related materials - $530,000,000;
(2) for furniture supplies - $1,500,000,000 (that's 1.5 billion);
(3) for technology software and services - $16,500,000,000 (that's 16 billion);
(4) for recreation and apparel - $400,000,000.
These figures are provided by the Federal Government here. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of other categories for your business to choose from.
Did you also know that a great deal of these funds are set aside for small businesses just like yours? That's right. The Federal Government requires that a substantial amount of these funds be spent in contracts with Small Businesses, Minority Owned Businesses, Women Owned Businesses and Veteran Owned Businesses.