Got a GSA Schedule?

So you already know that there is good money to be made selling to the U.S. Government, right?  You want to know how to get in on all of that easy cash, but you don't know where to start.  

Well, to be a part of the market selling to the government, you need to have a GSA Schedule.  You probably already get an inbox full of emails from companies wanting to charge you a years salary to set complete your schedule for you.  

If you are a small business, you can't afford to invest your hard earned profits only to pad another companies pockets. It is possible to complete all of the paperwork yourself. You just need to know where to start and what resources to turn to when you have questions.

Now, over the coarse of this blog, we'll show you where to start and who to take your questions to.  But first, I will tell you right out front that obtaining a GSA Schedule requires some patience.  There are a series of approval processes for your schedule that can take some time to complete.  But, hang in there.  

The benefits of having a GSA Schedule are definitely worth the time it takes to complete your schedule and receive your contract award.
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